Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

Gender Commission
established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe

WELCOME TO Zimbabwe Gender Commission(ZGC)
The Zimbabwe Gender Commission, “hereinafter referred to as the Commission” was established in terms of Section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, “hereinafter referred to as the Constitution” and operationalised through the Zimbabwe Gender Commission (ZGC) Act (Chapter 10:31). During the nationwide consultative processes of drafting the National Constitution, the constant resurgence…
Functions Of ZGC
The specific mandate of the Commission is derived from Section 246 of the Constitution whose provisions are listed as follows:
a. To monitor issues concerning gender equality and to ensure gender equality as provided for in the Constitution;
b. To investigate possible violations of rights relating to gender equality;
c. To receive and consider complaints from the public and to take such action in regard to the complaints as it considers appropriate…
Thematic Working Groups

Gender, Politics and Decision Making

Gender and Health

Gender, Constitutional and Legal Rights

Gender and Economic Empowerment

Gender, Socio, Cultural and Religious Issues

Gender, Environment and Climate Change
Recent News & Updates

Statement on the Zimbabwe Gender Commission’s Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the Start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
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Zimbabwe Gender Commission Statement on the World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence
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Recent News & Updates

Statement on the Zimbabwe Gender Commission’s Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the Start of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
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Zimbabwe Gender Commission Statement on the World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Violence
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Who can lodge a complaint?
Any of the following persons, namely;
- Any person acting in their own interests;
- Any person acting on behalf of another person who cannot act for themselves;
- Any person acting as a member, or in the interest, of a group or class of persons;
- Any person acting in the public interest;
- Any association acting in the interest of its members;
is entitled to approach the Zimbabwe Gender Commission alleging that a fundamental gender right as enshrined in the Constitution and ZGC Act has been violated.
Manner of lodging complaint
Any person mentioned in step number 1 can lodge a complaint with the ZGC in the following manner;
- In person and orally at any office of the Commission
- Via registered mail
- Via couriered mail
- Via electronic mail
- By hand delivery a letter or written report
- By telephone
- Using social media platform
- Using the Commission’s online reporting form 9
Through any other form that facilitates easy lodgment of complaint and reports.
Completion of a Complaint Registration Form (Annexure A)
After receiving a report or complaint using any of the formats provided in Step 1, the Investigation Officer shall contact the complainant to request him or her to provide further information by completing a Complaint Registration Form (Annexure A)
The complaint form shall be submitted to the Commission via registered mail, email or in person by the complainant or a third party.
Submission of the Complaint Registration Form (Annexure A )
After completing the Complaint Registration Form (Annexure A), it is to be submitted to the Commission in person or via electronic mail, registered mail or couriered mail.
Follow up
The complainant can make a follow up with the Commission after 10 working days if the Commission has not made any contact with the complainant within the stated timeframe.
Locate us
- No. 89 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue, 1st Floor Pax House, Harare
- +263 24 2701101 / +263 24 2250296/ +26329 2880557
- info@zgc.co.zw